Sunday, December 11, 2011

Getting back into the game

I have not posted much of anything for a long while. Before I post something more intense I'll go ahead and post some recent iPhone pics.
Let's see, random days of beautiful weather, fixing up the Christmas tree, gave the baby girl a haircut, oh and made the deans list at school.
Stay tuned for a regular blog soon. Promise!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Just for the heck of it...

A little end of weekend and mid week re-cap. The husband and I made our little family some black bean and avocado burritos, and spinach salad for dinner Sunday, so good. I've been really excited that my kids have embraced spinach and yes we have completely introduced, and used Popeye as a way to help with that (no shame). Earlier in day I did a little "mommy time" and went shopping in Thousand Oaks, where all I did was find some shoes for school (boring all white), and long sleeve white shirts for under my scrubs (because of my tattoos) saw that coming, lol. Ended my shopping day by doing some grocery shopping for the family at TJ's.
I've been down in the dumps lately due to my laparoscopy surgery, but since then have been feeling SO much better. More energized, which means not feeling so depressed due to being so lethargic, therefor eating better, therefor losing a little weight already. So yay for me! haha. Much needed I'm telling you. I've just been feeling so gross lately from being all bloated and nasty from the surgery.
I also saw my Primary Dr. yesterday where she let me know my O.B. Dr. removed some cysts from my ovaries. So hopefully that helps some with the pain. She also did a butt load of blood work to check my thyroid levels. Its all good things I see, and I'm feeling like I'm in a much better place than I was a month or two ago.
After my appointment and nasty blood work, I headed over to the Farmers Market where I picked us up some Tamales and gluten free Coconut Macaroons (delicious!). Today will be spent playing with the kids, doing laundry, and packing us up for a 4 day weekend in the High Desert. I've also got school orientation on the 1st! Eeeek!
Baby girl chomping down on her spinach.
Our lovely Sunday dinner. (Go Red Sox!) <3
Sunday shopping, perfect California weather.
Daytime snacks! Trying to be good!
Treats from Trader Joe's. Gotta mix it up. =)       

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


For those who don't know my husband is in the Air Force, and for the last year he took on a special duty job of Recruiting. This basically means he's been in the Air Force long enough and did well enough to take on a Special Duty job, which he picked Recruiting. Its not an easy job what so ever, and not the most ideal BUT it was a way for us to come home to California after living away for so long. We wanted our kids to be able to live near family. My kids are so incredibly close with my parents. Plus, its a 4 year job of NO deployments. So when we found out that we were being stationed to Simi Valley, Ca......only an hour and forty five min away from my folks, I was so excited.
Okay so point of this post is after a year of recruiting my husband has finally been certified! For training purposes after tech school they make them recruit for a year before being completely certified. So I'm dang proud of him because the first 6 months was extremely hard on him because he was being trained, and in the middle of it we were dealing with out youngest daughter being very sick. I'm so happy to see where he is at and going in his military career. He has grown so much as a person and despite his job being hard he still does what he needs to do to make us as a family feel we are still number one. Now he can concentrate even more on his actual schooling, because he has grand plans.

We decided to celebrate over lunch. Silly face! Love him<3
And to end the evening after dinner at 'The Habit' Jacob kicking his daddy's butt at a racing game. ;)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lake Havasu, Arizona

Since I've been stuck in the house and on the couch for the last 4 days, I decided to finish up some photo editing from our family trip to Lake Havasu, Arizona. I was so happy to be able to go with all the kiddos and husband together for the first time.
I've spent a lot of good memories out on that Lake, and I'm excited to now be creating new memories with my own little family.
Here are a few pictures from our trip. xoxo.

Grandma and Claira

Grandma and Claira by the Lake.

Matt with daddy's hat on.

The boys on the Lake


Mommy and Claira in the pool

Splish splash!



Pool side





The Lake

The Sand Bar, Lake Havasu AZ.

Hanging out on the Sandbar.

Mommy and Claira at Pirates Beach

Claira talking to the ducks.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

M.I.A. and iPhone pic updates

A bit of M.I.A. for good and bad reasons. Good reason...I was on vacation with my whole family in Lake Havasu Arizona. I used to go when I was younger every summer and finally had the opportunity to take my husband for the first time, along with our kiddos. We got back Tuesday evening, 4 days earlier than we wanted only because I had surgery Wed morning. That would be the bad.
I had my second laparoscopy done, because of my endometriosis. They also found some more cysts, bleh. My first laparoscopy was done about 5 years ago and since then my pain just hasn't seemed to go away even after having 3 children. I'd like to note that I was so blessed and lucky to have my kids, I know, especially since more often than not it can cause infertility. So despite the odds, and what Dr's told me in the past I was blessed with 3 amazing children. Now that I am done, we are looking into more treatments since I cant seem to shake the pain.
I've began changing my diet more because there is obvious truth in what foods can do, and how they react with endometriosis patients. One major thing I've found difficult is taking out caffeine....and my beer:( So I've limited myself, along with trying to drink more water, take out red meats, some wheat, dairy and just plain fattening foods.
Any woo, the surgery is over and I am stuck at home in MAJOR pain! Much more than my first surgery. I was also cut in 3 spots this time. Hopefully in two weeks when I see my Dr. we will have a better idea on what we would like to do, if anything. I guess he sent something he cut out to the labs...not sure what that's about. I also need to be tested for hypothyroidism apparently. Ugh, more tests! Despite the pain, I am glad its over.
I will end this blog with some iPhone pic updates until I get around to editing my photos from the trip<3

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Fun

Yes, I know I am a little late on this, but we had a pretty fantastic Memorial Weekend.  We kicked off the holiday early by having my husband's sister and her husband over for dinner Friday evening. The husband grilled hamburgers and the kiddos enjoyed some pizza. Saturday we stayed home and did just about nothing, which was awesome. Sunday was an awesome filled day with lots of laughs, the husband grilling, and a few really good friends over. Loooved it. The weather did not disappoint either.
The weekend was of course not over as Josh still had Monday off. Yay! He surprised us by taking the kiddos and I to the park for a picnic. Then we let the kids run around the crazies for a while before taking them home and putting them to work...washing the car with daddy. =) 
It seems like we are always running around on weekends and seem so busy that staying in town and close to home was perfect for us. We could tell the kids really enjoyed it as well. 
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend as well<3