What a week! Thank goodness for my mother. She is an amazing woman whom is always here for me. It's times like this that I thank God we live back in California and are able to be near family again, and do things that normally we probably would not do if we still lived in Louisiana. The kids are so used to seeing their grandparents and aunts & cousins all the time. I love it more than anything.
My mother was awesome enough to stay at our place from Monday till Saturday helping me out with the kids. Yesterday her and the boys packed up and left for her place until Thursday morning when Josh, Claira, and I go the desert. They plan on going to the movies, and playing outside at my mother's as much as possible I'm sure. Thursday I have a hair appointment (it's been 5 months!), and that night Josh and I are going to L.A. to see Alkaline Trio which also so happens to be St. Patty's Day. It will be an eventful evening I'm sure.
Spring forward happened this morning....yay! The weather has been especially beautiful lately.
So, I am hoping to take these few days of a much less chaotic household to organize the house a bit, do some shopping (w/Claira) that I normally can't do with all the kids, get a good amount of studying in, and just plain try to enjoy myself despite the fact that I do miss my boys terribly. Point is...its girl time with my little lady! :)
Might do some toe nail painting, and spring clothes shopping. Its almost bathing suit weather! <3
This picture was taken while my mother was here.Claira is such a Grandma's girl. She woke up this morning, looked at where normally my mother would be sleeping, and said, "Where's Gamma?" I love that they are so close, considering how close I was with my grandmother. She was my world. Luckily my mother loves nothing more than being called grandma, and doing all sorts of grandma duties.Not everyone has grandparents like that in their lives.
This is our neighbor's cat. I don't know her name. I don't know why she loves hanging out in our yard, other than because the kids get excited whenever she comes around. We don't feed her. I'm not even that nice to her. She used to hang out in our garage and try to come in the house even. I believe the people who used to rent out this home possibly let her in the house. Not happening though kitty, sorry.=/
I snapped this picture of Jake while he was following the cat around the yard. This is the way he smiles for the camera lately..no teeth, just this cute smirk. I cannot believe he will be 5 years old April 3rd. My first born is getting so big. I need to start planning his B-Day party, especially because the next few weeks are gonna fly by. Vegas is only a few short weeks away, and I think we are having Josh's niece Alyssa over to stay next week for her spring break. Hoping to plan a few things for her to do while she's here.
Now, back to coffee drinking, a little blog reading.....and hoping to get my study on. <3
Claira is getting big so fast! And Jake's smile is so familiar, it seems that's all Ethan will give me lately too.
Claira IS getting big..kinda makes me sad:(
I'm happy Jake is willing to smile for me lately..for a while he was not into it at all. Poor kids always having the camera in their faces, lol.
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